Internationalist Youth Perspective

A turbulent year of rapid changes just finished and an even more stormy year is starting. In 2024 important developments in the international arena happened. Lots of governments have been changed, others deepened on their strategic goals. Other governments passed through hard crisis. We can define 2024 as the year of formal govermnent changes. Even if we know that the so-called democratic regimes don’t make fundamental changes when the president, prime minister or the party in charge changes, in the crisis that we are living through we can see that these changes are the expression of the shifting stance and approach of every country in the global arena. The November 2024 elections in the USA were the peak of a whole process of preparation on a global scale.
Together with the UK and Israel, the USA is taking up the vanguard role within the forces of Capitalist Modernity. The deep state structures in the USA and abroad, over a long period of time, have been preparing for this moment. The state structures of the USA are not anymore accepting governments who are not absolutely following the line that the USA clarifies. The USA realized that the multi-colour liberal policies pursued until now are not able to face the increasing threat of Russia and China. Therefore, they see the need to impose a harder line.
3rd NATO Strategy
Now the USA is following the 3rd NATO strategy in order to be able to face the threat of China. This is actually the greatest threat they are facing in the 21st century. That’s why they take steps in a planned way. It has been years that the USA and its allies are getting ready for this process, which will reach its climax in 2025. Therefore, since the Ukraine war reached a new stage in 2022, NATO has been revived in Europe. The UK and Germany, together with France, will be the responsibles of this first NATO. It should counter the Russian influence in Eastern Europe and the European dependency on the Russian gas and petrol. The second NATO, the one which will take most of the efforts of the USA is the Asia-Pacific NATO, led by the UK, Australia and the USA (AUKUS alliance) against China. In this frame the US-Philippines relations have been boosted. They aim to isolate China, to create a barrier in trade and military terms. The USA will defend their ally Taiwan and, when needed, will use it as a reason for war and conflict with the People’s Republic of China.
Middle-East as the center of the war
The most important developments on the last stage of 2024 where the ones in the Palestine-Lebanon-Syria axis. In just a few days we saw the 61-year-old Syrian Ba’ath regime fall and a new government arise. Of course the fall of Al-Assad’s family rule can’t be understood only within the events that happened between 27th November and 8th December. This offensive was planned long before, was prepared and put into practice according to a plan of the imperialist forces in the region. The 7th October of 2023 and the massacre of Gaza, the war on Lebanon and the loss of strength of Hezbollah, and therefore the blow to the Iranian influence in the region were the prelude to this offensive. In the near future we might see this war and instability go forward to Iraq as well. This is the aim of the third NATO: to confront and weaken Iranian and Russian influence in the Middle East while enforcing the position of the USA and especially Israel. The Abraham agreements between Israel and the Arab States are a step in this direction. We should realize that Israel is not a regional, but a global power. Until now it has been one of the main actors on the global level. Now is its moment to stabilize and practice its hegemony in the region. That’s why the Turkish State is also afraid of the situation that will come: with Israel becoming a hegemonic power, the central role of Turkey as a proto-israel will reach an end and it will pass into a secondary position. It won’t be the main ally of the USA and NATO in the region, therefore won’t be able to sustain the massacre policies that they pursue against the peoples inside Turkey and outside, specially the Kurdish people.
And that’s not all: when Turkey will insist on its two-sided diplomacy, it will become an obstacle to the development of the imperialist policies of both Russia and the USA. Therefore Turkey sees really clearly that if they want to prevent war from getting inside its own territory they have to solve internal problems. They’ve been trying to «solve» the Kurdish problem for a long time now. They have insisted in the use of force, in the annihilation of the freedom movement as a necessary step for the annihilation of the Kurdish people. But the Kurdistan Liberation Movement and the Kurdish people have resisted.
With the international conspiracy against Abdullah Öcalan in 1998/1999, the USA, Israel and the Turkish State tried to annihilate the liberation movement by destroying its leadership. But they are now facing an even stronger movement and they didn’t manage to cut the leadership from the rest of the movement and the people. The developments on Imrali Island – where Abdullah Öcalan has been held in solitary confinement since 15th February 1999 – are a key point on the developments on the region. The connection of the resistance of the Kurdish People and the resistance of Abdullah Öcalan materialized in the international campaign «Freedom for Öcalan – Political solution to the Kurdish question».
The gates have opened, let’s reach full liberation!
This campaign has shown until now how Abdullah Öcalan’s thoughts and paradigm are embraced by people all over the world as a way out of the crisis and a way to reach freedom. This, together with both the resistance of the Kurdish People, the Kurdish Guerrilla and specially the resistance of Öcalan in Imrali have imposed on the Turkish State the need to address the Kurdish question. That’s why they have opened the doors of Imrali and allowed one family member and a political delegation to visit Öcalan after more than four years of total isolation. It was thanks to the democratic struggle of the Kurdish people, the peoples of the Middle East and a big struggle on the international level that this visit happened. It would be wrong to attribute this development to the will of the Turkish State to find a solution. It has been the strength of the people and the Kurdistan Liberation Movement that made it possible. A lot of special warfare and discussions about the possibility of a peace process happened since the very first moment when the visit of Abdullah Öcalan’s nephew Ömer Öcalan was announced. It is important to know how the doors of Imrali have been opened: by the struggle. Only in this way the developments that will follow will be able to reach a truly democratic result.
We need to prepare for what’s coming
All the developments that will take place in 2025 will bring big chaos with them, and therefore also great opportunities and changes. Of course the forces of Capitalist Modernity have been making preparations for a long time. They have prepared their irregular warfare, they have pushed themselves in all dimensions of warfare, including Cognitive Warfare in order to «occupy the hearts and minds of their enemies». But we, the Democratic Forces, especially the Revolutionary Youth should also prepare for facing this process. We saw important uprisings and important developments in 2024. Especially the youth, with the vanguard of young women, have risen up in different parts of the world, from Africa to Latin America and the Middle East. But after the uprising, what?
Our role as youth is to organize and lead the uprisings, right? But our role is also to organize society for what is to come. The third world war is deepening, the attacks on women are increasing and deepening, they take new shapes as technology also developes. The world has reached the much-feared 1.5 degree temperature rise. Autocracy, dictatorships and militarism are increasing everywhere as a response to society’s reflexes against the world situation. Then what is to be done? If we see the situation so clearly, what role do we have to take?
Dear youth of the world
We can’t stay on TikTok or Instagram forever. We can’t be satisfied by sharing some radical messages through the digital media. We can’t anymore be comfortable while seeing how others struggle or are massacred. In the four corners of the world our brothers and sisters are putting their bodies in front of the enemy. As bad as the world situation has become a strong resistance has also arisen. They want us to belive that «the time of revolutions has passed». What we had in the past was a strong youth who took their consciousness and transformed it into action. To understand, feel and act, to think, talk and do was the norm. Maybe we believe that revolution will come by itself, like an apple falling from the tree. Maybe we believe that history will go on bringing justice and equality by itself. The pessimistic ones despair that nature and the world are already doomed to be destroyed by the ambitions of capitalist men.
But none of them are true. If we look deeply into history, we see how decisions change the world. Every revolutionary in history took the decision to change these things. They maybe acted from their homeland or at the international level, but they all made the decision and acted for the good of humanity. They knew that the apple would not fall, as Che Guevara said, we will have to make it fall. It is our turn therefore to take their baton and take their struggle to its final aim, to accomplish their dreams and build free life.
The paradigm as a guide out of the crisis
Today we have thousands of years of experience accumulated in the struggle. Not only this, we have a paradigm which allows us to understand our place in history and the world as it is and as we want it to be. Abdullah Öcalan’s Democratic Modernity Paradigm gives us a role and a horizon, especially to young women and the youth: to make sure that the dialectic of history goes towards liberation. And, dear friends, if we don’t take this responsability, the Capitalist System will win again. But since we cannot possibly allow ourselves to even think of capitalism winning again, it is essential we find the ways and methods for our own victory. Revolution will win and it will be the Youth with its dynamism and strength of life who will make it win.
That’s why we should make 2025 the year of young women and the youth. That’s why 2025 should be the year of victory!