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The youth is the spark of every revolution

Internationalist youth perspective

As the months go by, the conflicts all around the world deepen more and more. It would be impossible to analyze the global political-military situation in a few pages. In general terms we can say that the political crisis in the US its reflected clearly in the next candidates for the presidential election. Trump starts as the favorite one, and the Democratic Party was going through a crisis generated by Biden’s resistance to quit his charge. Once Biden made that decision, Kamala Harris has risen as the new leader of the “progressive forces” of the world. We can clearly see the representation of two political lines with a strong influence in the world and, above all, a common plan. The plan is the maintenance of the US imperialism in an increasingly partitioned world, in a world that is escaping from the US control because of its incapability to adapt and to be flexible. In this context, forces as the Russian Federation and The People’s Republic of China have found the expected gap to develop their own imperialist politics. The globalist forces in the current situation of the Third World War would be those under the influence of the US, the NATO and other supra-state organisms. They defend a Nation-State that is useful and subjected to the US interests. Statist forces would be those who defend the classical form of the Nation-State, and therefore they are committed in this historical phase with the “multi polar world”, the global order in which in each region would be, at less, one Nation-State or multiples allies that would confront the US imperialism. But this vision, taking account of the monopolist and imperialist essence of the Nation-State, would take these regional powers to serve a global force. These relations could be similar to the relation Lebanon-Iran. Iran has never occupied Lebanon, but, in fact, it doesn’t have its own sovereignty. The same happens in the relation of the countries under NATO’s influence area, they could have some autonomy only if they act following the economical and geopolitical interest of the US.

If we start to look at the situation in the American continent, we can see the fierce fight -expressed until now in the economic, political and paramilitary sphere- between the globalist forces and the statist forces. Russia and China have been working many years to expand their influence in Latin America, and the US has always treated the continent as his “backyard”. The dismembering of the US has given way to Russia and China to amplify their influence, specially through agreements with the “anti-imperalist” regimes of the continent, that means, Cuba and Venezuela. The new Latin America progressist left is participating in this process too. Countries like Ecuador or Bolivia have experienced huge political earthquakes thanks to the US intervention in recent years. Regimes as Milei in Argentina or the former Bolsonaro regime in Brazil are unthinkable without the material and ideological support of the US.

The increased insecurity in the continent is a direct consequence of imperialist politics. The para-militarism is a tool in the hands of the imperialism that is used against the people to keep it under control through fear or to generate instability whenever it could be necessary. That’s why noone is surprised when the links between State-Paramilitary forces are discovered. 

In Africa, the sanguinary conflicts derived from the re-configuration of the continent keep going. The Nation-States wouldn’t leave in peace the African continent. “Easterns” and “Westerns” use the continent as a war terrain and for raw materials extraction. The yankee cultural imperialism  on one side and the Russian school’s for African kids on the other are good examples of that. In this situation, the African people tries to liberate itself from each other. The Kenyan youth headed one of the most important rebellions in the recent years in the continent. Meanwhile, the Sahel people keeps fighting to drive the US forces out of their territory. This situation will probably continue evolving in the same direction and the popular reflexes will get stronger.

Without doubt the Middle East is the center of the Third World War today. The Israel’s attacks against Gaza are one year old. At the same time, Turkey -principal booster of the current situation- develops one of the biggest operations in recent years against the guerrilla in the south of Kurdistan (North of Irak). More than 10.000 soldiers and more than 300 war tanks have crossed the south border of Turkey last June to attack the guerrilla position. Since 2021, all the region is constantly a target of fighter jets, drones, helicopters and Turkish infantry -along with Islamic State mercenaries. However, since 2021 they have not achieved any significant military victory. The Kurdish guerrilla resistance has not allowed it.

An important factor that we have to take in account is that the Third World War is not a global conflict to be developed with regular tools. It is often said that the First World War was based on the development of fighter jets and the second in the development of tanks. The Third World War would be based in every forms of irregular warfare, of intelligence, psychological, civil operations and, in technical level, thermal cameras and the development of war in internet fields and the “aero-spacial”. Lately, the NATO and the US base a large part of their material and intellectual resources in the development of these camps. A cognitive warfare that takes all the body and mind of each person as a war field is being developed. It is not a coincidence in this context either, that the Artificial Intelligence is being developed so much. The AI is a tool that could be very socially useful, but the objective behind from its own conception is to serve the interest of capitalism. It’s a tool of ideological control without precedents. It is not necessary to talk about the great deceptions made in the name of the AI as the “cashierless stores” from Amazon, that were actually hiding more than one thousand workers in India controlling the cameras of these stores to do the job supposedly was made by the AI. We have arrived to the point in which a computer is telling us what to think, what to do, what to say, how to write a text and how to make friends. If we stop to think about it, we realize that we are living in a dystopia. The influence of these kind of tools in every level of society -the AI is already a trend- couldn’t be analyzed as a coincidence. The military capacity of the AI doesn’t have limits. It is already being tested in Gaza -after killing a humanitarian worker, the apologies of the Israel “Defend” Forces were based on blaming the AI for a mistake. Truth or not, the AI already serves to evade responsibilities. All the facial recognition systems -each time more present in public spaces all around the world- will be developed and expanded thanks to the AI too.

We could continue analyzing the world situation from this perspective. But, if we want to understand deeply and to find an escape way to this situation that could be hopeless, we should analyze the situation in a deeper insight. That means that normally, when we think about geopolitics, we only think about the relations between the local states and the international forces in one region, but we overlook a whole part of the situation: the societies who live in the conflict territories and their own will, culture, history and resistance. Beyond the states, there have always existed the societies, the peoples and their will. When Abdullah Öcalan talks about the Democratic Modernity, he refers to this. This is one of the key factors in the historical development. Any analyze -those we read in the mass media- overlooks intentionally this part. When talking about all of this dimension, is usually done in order to be able to manipulate it, to use it in favor of their own interests.

Abdullah Öcalan explains that every State and every regime of oppression needs a society to exploit materially and immaterially, while the society doesn’t needs the State to exist. The economic, ideological, moral, cultural etc. value of the States is based always in the assimilation of the value created by the society in all its fields. For that reason, when we look at the geopolitical situation, if we want to understand why the US were not able to become the world’s only hegemonic force after the fall of the USSR, we should analyze the state of the Democratic Modernity. The imperialist politics of the US were not enough to subjugate the societies that keeped a strong link with their culture, history and territory. That’s why Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and other regions continues being territories of constant war and conflict. The path proposed by Öcalan in his defense writings to get out of the chaos, is precisely the reconstruction of those democratic forces globally. That means that the popular forces that have not been absolutely assimilated by the State, that have been marginalized or that have risen up against the State, unite globally and  develop their own form of organization.

The role played by the youth in this process is fundamental. The youth in general, and specially the young women, are the spark of every revolution. We can’t look at the history and found a revolution without the youth. We are a fundamental factor. We should be aware of this reality, we should take conscience of our historical role. By doing this we will provide ourselves with a plan that will allow us the unity of action and objectives. The Youth should not be condemned to be a slave of the capitalist system. In Kenya we had seen this clearly. The youth ignited the flame of the uprising. The media have rapidly cataloged the rebellion in Kenya as a “Gen-Z” rebellion, cataloging thus the youth in a determinate culture. This seeks to cancel our creative capacity and put us in molds. With classifications as “Millenial”, “Gen-z” and many other names, they have tried to create identities, ways of dressing, of talking, music and culture for entire generations, developing the liberalism in a concrete form in those generations. Accept to being classified in this way means our death, supposes to resign to our fundamental characteristics as young people. But, if we reject the labels and mentalities imposed by the system, taking consciousness as Internationalist Youth in a global level and organizing ourselves, is there someone who can stop us?


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